Asian Wedding Functions: As opposed to the weddings in the West the South Asian weddings are more
grand and elaborate. The weddings in the West are about the vows and flowers and clothes, while Asian weddings are about dances, functions, and spending huge sums of money. The differences between the 2 types of weddings are enormous but for this article let’s talk about the different Indian and Pakistani wedding ceremonies. There are multiple occasions and ceremonies that take place in Asian wedding functions. There are 3 main functions that take place in these weddings with various little functions here and there. Mayun: This is the function i.e. hosted by the bride’s and groom’s families separately top mark begins of the wedding. The bride sits in her “mayun” and the bride and groom can't see each other till their wedding. The dress for the bride on her mayun is a simple and plain yellow dress. Mehndi: The mehndi is where the families enjoy singing and dancing and the groom’s family brings the wedding dress of the bride and the bride’s family delivers the groom’s wedding attire. On this occasion the bride gets her hands and feet adorned with henna and these designs are commonly heavy Arabic designs. On this day the bride commonly wears yellow, green or orange dress. There are small games such as a song competition between the bride’s and the groom’s family. Mehndi is usually the most enjoyable and lively occasion of the Asian wedding functions. Rukhsati: This is the occasion where the actual marriage takes place. The bride wears the traditional red heavy dress with extremely heavy jewelry. The groom commonly wears a turban and the traditional dress “Sherwani”. The official and religious paper work is taken care of on this occasion and as the bride joins her husband’s family the Holy Quran is placed on her head as a sign of blessing. Walima: The Walima is a function hosted by the groom’s family and signifies a reception held by the freshly married couple.
This occasion can be as grand as the Baraa function, but it actually actually depends on the financial disposition of the groom and the traditional values of the family. A few families go the whole length and throw grand wedding receptions and functions and start the function of dholki days earlier the wedding. Dholki is a function where the close friends and family join together and celebrate the wedding with sings and dances. The complete list of all the occasions and ceremonies associated with the Asian wedding functions admit:

A Engagement
B Mayun
C Dholkis
D Mehndi
E Baraat
F Walima