You can avoid form this method smells when you cannot smell yourself: During the summer one of the troubles faced up by many is the bad body odour trouble. You need to know how you smell. Since your nose is accustomed to your own body smell so it is difficult to tell when you smell badly earlier you focus on your body smell focus on your hygienics habits and exercises. While you change dresses smell them at the areas where you smell the most you'll know what sort of body smell you've. If you sweat excessively you should follow a few sweating care tips, apply a body spray regularly. Take bath often and change clothes all time you think you've excessively sweated. If you sweat excessively try not to wear unbreathable synthetic material because that will enhance the bad odour from sweating. Besides badly odour augmented in dresses, the diet can also affect your bad breath. If you wish garlic and onions in your meal make sure you've a chewing gum or a mint candy handy with you. Besides, this makes sure your select of meal is the pick of the majority at the table because then it will be difficult to distinguish the bad odour from each one of them. Know when your breath smells bad and brush your teeth. Adopt healthy oral hygiene habits. Besides, know the areas where moisture and bacteria thrives. Keep those areas dry so that they do not accumulate dirt and sweat and cause bad body odour. One of the sweating care tips for those of you who sweat too much is to avoid excessive chillies in food because they cause sweating and to avoid that concentrate on your diet. If morning breath is your trouble, the cure for this is a glass of warm water system with lemon juice added to it for a quick rehydrate and removal of morning breath. Have a decent long shower and take your time to wash the body and hair with precision. Besides, the most important hygienics apply is to change your sanitary wear frequently to avoid sweating and badly odour.