Wednesday 21 September 2011

The Costume jewelry

The Costume jewelry: Costume jewelry (also called trinkets, style jewelry, junk jewelry, fake jewelry, or fallalery) is jewellery manufactured as ornamentation to full complement a especial stylish costume or garment.[Two] dress up jewelry came into being in the 1930s as a cheap, disposable accessory meant to be worn with a particular outfit. It was intended to be stylish for a short period of time, outdate itself, and then be repurchased to fit with a new outfit or new fashion style. Its main apply is in style, as opposed to "real" (good) jewellery which may be regarded primarily as collectibles, keepsakes, or investments. Costume jewelry is made of less valuable materials admitting base metals, glass, plastic, and synthetic stones; in place of more valuable materials such as precious metals & gems.The Costume jewelry